Welcome to Stanley Medical Group
To book an appointment please use the link below in the green box by clicking submit a new request.
This will allow you to submit either a medical or administrative request.
Please note, this has replaced our previous online booking system.
You do not require any online password or username to access the service!
Stanley Medical Group has been accredited as being suitable for the training of those doctors intending to become general practitioners.
This means that the practice and doctors have had to achieve a number of standards which have been assessed by the Deanery for North East Health Education. Our named GP Trainer is Dr Stephen Baxter.
These are some points for your information:
- Those doctors training to become GPs are called GP Registrars. They are employed by the practice.
- The GP Registrar is a fully qualified doctor who is likely to have a lot of experience of hospital medicine.
- Sometimes other doctors are also trained and supported in the practice.
- If you are seeing a Registrar, you can expect to receive the quality of service you would get from your own GP. If you have any concerns, please mention this to a member of staff.
- In order for the Registrars to successfully complete their training, they need to be assessed on their consulting skills. This is done by the appointed assessors viewing a video of the registrars consultations. You may be asked for your permission to have your consultation recorded in this way. If you agree, you will need to give your written permission by signing a consent form available at reception desk, which will be offered to you. If the doctor appears to be recording your consultation and you have not signed a consent form, you should indicate this to him or her immediately. The recording will be used for educational purposes only. Further information about this process and the confidentiality of it, can be obtained from the reception staff.
- To ensure that the practice continues to meet the standards of training in the Deanery, it and the doctors may be subject to regular inspection visits (normally every three years) At this inspection another doctor will assess the quality of the patient records. If you do not want your own record to be available for inspection, then please inform the practice of your wishes, and they will be respected. Please ask any member of the reception staff if further information is needed.
- In addition to training Registrars, the surgery also occasionally provides training to medical students, usually in their final year of training. These students may be present at your consultation, but only with your permission. If you do not wish the student to be present, please advise the GP.
New Extended Hours Service - Need to see a GP or nurse in the evening or on a weekend? GPs in Derwentside are working together to offer extra GP and Nurse appointments from 6.30pm on weekday evenings and from 09:30am on Saturday and Sunday mornings. The clinics are held at Tanfield View Medical Group. To book an 'Extended Hours' appointment please contact your surgery Monday-Friday 08.30-5.00. When your surgery is closed, please call 111 to access these clinics. If you need to cancel an appointment, after your own surgery has closed, please ring 07548 652124.
New Service
We have introduced a cancellation line to make it easier for you to cancel an appointment that you no longer need. Ring 01207 285800 – as soon you are offered the various options relating to the nature of your call, PRESS 1 on your keypad – you will then be asked to leave details of your appointment on an answerphone which is answered in less than 5 minutes.
(Site updated 28/02/2025)